Books have launched civilizations , like Bible and its various versions can be safely said to be the guiding light of western civilization. Books have launched wars like crusades and Jihads. Expansion of Islam throughout the world was entirely guided by Koran. Even now most of the wars and violent acts have a Koranic angle to it . Some are fighting to preserve it and some are just fighting to save themselves from it. Books like Das Kapital have launched successful revolutions such as the Soviet one . Even its Chinese version was guided by Mao's Little Red Book. Nazi revolution was guided by Mein Kampf. Later on The Iranian Islamic revolution was again achieved by the book.
Some books can get you killed or almost killed as Salman rushdie found and some can get you banished into a gulag as Solzhenitsyn found, some books can get you expelled from your own country as Taslima Nasreen has found . Some books are less potent and they can get you expelled from a political party as Jaswant Singh has found. Even then I am confidant that none of these authors hate their books.
So there are good books , there are badly written books, some books go on to become great classics , some are kept in the library and some go in the trash bin right after you have read them. Some books are so bad that all you can use them is for making paper bags and some times beautiful paper machie. Obviously books can not be ignored , you can only be in awe of them unless you happen to be in love with them like me.
Any book haters out there ?