Saturday, May 22, 2010

Gathering Storm!

Our genetic makeup hides a large part of our fate. General belief is that the time and place of our birth will strongly impact what becomes of us in later life. "Kismet" is a word that is  understood worldwide . People of the Indian subcontinent are genetically disposed to getting hit by diabetes, hypertension and heart disease. That is " Kismet". Not everybody gets it though! Some don't and some make sure that  they take  active measures not to get struck. "Kismet "exists but its effects can be and are being proactively modified  by individuals every day.

Nations of the Indian subcontinent are similar though with one significant difference . They can  not help being born at the place and time they were born and hence  have to carry the burden of their " Kismet" with them. Unfortunately they have made feeble efforts to modify their fate that their genetic make up has handed them . They have  no prevention or a treatment in place and they are getting struck with one chronic disease after another. Which  sadly is hustling them to a terminal stage.

India is a glaring example; not only because it  is the mother ship of all other nations around it, but also the fact  that a  large part of the blame for setting bad precedents must lie at her door. Right at the birth of an independent nation , India meekly surrendered to the separatist "theory of Pakistan". What ever that did to Pakistan is a different story but that is the seed which later  became a million headed hydra. If Muslims are a separate nation, why not Sikhs; why not Baluchi's ; why not this and why not that. Partition was the early warning that there  is a demon lurking in the DNA. Nothing really was done.

Almost immediately  we had Kashmir asking for separation on the same principle we separated pakistan. It did not happen and that issue has become an uncurable cancer . Further down from kashmir. Himachal and Haryana wanted to go separate ways from Punjab on the basis of Pahari and hindi speaking areas . This was allowed but a natural side effect of this was that remaining Punjab went radical Punjabi ; eventually asking for "khalistan". There were other contributing factors too but similar story got repeated in west when Gujrat was carved from Bombay  and In south  Madras was divided. In the east; bengal got divided too! This disease has marched on and on and now people want Bodoland,  Gorkhaland, Telangana, Vidharbh........ It has already produced  Chattisgarh, Uttrakhand etc. There is no knowing how many other  new demands there could be by the time you finish reading this. Why is no one demanding "India"?

Another kind of inherited disease was poverty, illiteracy, imbalanced progress and even complete absence of it. So far the report card shows a D in these areas. A huge section of the population has no  access to decent education, health care and  misplaced priorities in Industrialization means that their means of livelihood are threatened as well. How can we ignore these telltale signs and still hope to remain healthy. How can we imagine that  people who have no stake in the nation and its progress will remain loyal.

We  keep harping on how Britishers   engaged in Divide and rule policy to keep us subjugated yet we continue to divide each other and then subdivide into smaller and smaller pockets; just to protect our hold on an ever diminishing power base.  Mayawati has no concern about someone in Manipur but she is keen to have a statue of "Dalit" mahapurush in Mainpuri.  Her own statue  prominent among them.All to protect her power base. Whether  it divides the society further is not her problem. What is a "dalit" mahapurush anyway ? Either one is a Mahapurush or  one is not.  bala Saheb wants only Marathi speaking people to live in Mumbai!  Where is this kind of Madness going to land us?

As if Islamic terrorism was not enough of a problem ;  India has  allowed another  symptom of  Maoist menace  to take on gargantuan proportions. Primarily by shutting its eyes to their anti national activities  since the  government is formed with the help of  Maoist sympathizers; both in center and in many states. Also the fact that the  red terror grows in the poorest regions and regions which have been untouched by progress could not have gone unnoticed by the policy makers. Why nothing was done to make people of such region feel that we are concerned about their welfare and they are included in  Shining India? No one has an answer. Now the only talk is whether the state should use Air force to bomb these Red terrorists!  All of them are our citizens.  Maoist leaders only want their cadre to keep confronting the society rather than find an amicable way forward . Anything that will protect their hold on their little piece of power.Amazing and Sad! How did we reach this place in 60 Years?

Similar stories in abound in Nepal where Maoist are creating a bigger havoc. There are other agitations and divisions too. Madeshi and non Madeshi divison is just one of them. Srilanka's Tamil and Sinhala divide is too well documented and has already taken a huge toll . So far nobody seems to have learnt much from it. Bangladesh has serious fault line centered around  both begums on one hand and Army on the other hand. In between Chakma and other smaller groups have continued to cry foul. Pakistan has already seen a major division  and from time to time voices are raised for  independent Sindhu Desh: Pakhtunistan; Baluchistan and even Mohajaristan. Pakistan army has already used heavy  artillary and air power against citizens. Even in the biggest province of Punjab a serious effort is afoot to carve out a Saraiki  province. Divide, separate and hold onto your little piece is the mantra.

All these divisions  serve only one purpose : keep people divided so that power and resources can be exploited for the benefit  of a chosen few. What one must realize that working together works. One and one makes eleven. If we continue to work against each other we will finally wipe each other out sooner than you think. If we do not share we'll have nothing left to share. Storm is gathering at  our shores . What preparations are we making?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Snake in the grass!

"Snake in the Grass"  c., 2010 by Arundhati kaul

Nirupama Pathak went home from Delhi to Jharkhand. 'Home'; one place you go to find solace ,shelter,peace, support and help. One place you'ld expect to find  understanding, trust, faith , love and affection. She found a "snake in the grass"  instead; her mother! Difficult as it is to believe that your own mother , who actually brought  you to life ;can smother you and snuff  out your life . It has happened before  and might have happened in this case too, although it is yet to be proven. In this case if we look at the issue from her mother's perspective; although it does not justify murder but her mother would have gone through life's ups and downs. She might have borne various difficulties in bringing up her children. She might have endured a lot of  adverse social commentary for letting her daughter be on her own in  big bad Delhi. She however did not expect her own daughter to bring unwelcome social barbs that her unwed motherhood would rain on her. Mother did not expect her own daughter to be that ' snake in the grass'. At the time of writng there seems to another "snake" in Nirupma's life. Her boyfriend. Some one who reportedly got her in the familyway and than let her face the music alone.

Madhuri Gupta  had a decent life by any standard you choose. In a country that has  millions who go homeless and hungry ; millions who have no access to education ;educated who have no hopes of finding a job and workers  who do not know if they will get paid next month. She had a home , she had received free decent education and she had a secure pensionable federal job in foreign affairs. She had got promoted to elite IFS  cadre and she did not even have to write that very  very tough competition. Wonder of wonders she was  posted abroad representing her country. Even if you discount the pride that being your country's representative brings and think  purely in terms of the dollar value. It is still substantial. She should be the last person you'ld imagine who is ungrateful. No such luck. She choose to be the "Snake in The grass".

A company of CRPF  men went in search of Maoist terrorists in Dantewada Jungle recently. Irrespective of their professional mistakes they did not expect to find "Snakes". Their own fellow security men who had sold  government arms and ammunition to these terrorist. Of course the Snake ate them all.

IPL was India's pride and Joy till about a month ago.  Lalit modi was the pristine master who could do no wrong. Everybody was raking it in. From BCCI to governing body everyone was scratching each other's back. Suddenly a "falling out of thieves" happened over the sweat equity for Sunanda . A paltry sum compared to billions that are at stake. Some one got greedy or someone wanted a cut of the pie ; we do not know. However  Now everyone is pointing fingers at everyone else. Of course Lalit Modi will be finally declared the " Snake in the Grass" . Depending on your point of view ; for daring  or being stupid to challenge the government elements. If you ask me this is a case of "Snakes" in the grass.

If you realize , it is not always others; at times we become our own snake in the grass. Every time we make a decision that is based  on selfish motives we  either become that snake itself or allow that snake to come closer and bite . Most times it does!