Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Spastics and us

What have we thought about Spastics ? Or for that matter all the other members of our society who by virtue of being differently able, need some assistance to live a dignified life. Ideally they are best cared for in their own homes and family. Surrounded by natural love , care and affection. This system however is breaking up ! As we progress as a society, which is mobile and outward looking; family as we understand in the traditional sense is on life support,if not already dead.

In nuclear family units it is becoming increasingly difficult to care for a spastic child, visually impaired family member, or anyone else facing other physical or mental challenges. In most cases at least one parent has to be stay- at -home. Now this poses another set of problems. The immediate one is the shortage of money a single income family would have to deal with. The other is far more serious. What would happen when one or both parents pass away? Who will do it? I have seen parents praying for a short life for their children who are facing these challenges. Can you imagine how shell shocking it was for me? Imagine how catastrophic it must have been for the mother asking for death for her child!

Some countries like Canada have a registered disability saving plan, that allows a parent to save for a disabled child during their lifetime .So that after they are gone the money can be used for the disabled person. The government also gives generous grants in addition. There are well managed institutions that take care of these individuals for their entire life. So what do we have in India?
I realize India is not Canada but we need to think about it. If we have abandoned the extended family as the norm, what have we replaced it with?

As a start can we please include such children and their parents in all our social and family events and make sure that they understand and feel our love and concern. Can we make sure such children are not hidden away because their parents feel that the society will not accept them. Please can we always, always include them. It does not cost anything, you know!

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