Friday, December 24, 2010


City, where I live presently has a two tier driving license system in place. You write a knowledge test of rules of the road and if you pass; in about a year you will be allowed to pay for a road test that will allow you to get behind wheels conditionally. You have next five years to go for the final road test that will actually give you the license to drive. This system is geared for a youngster who will start learning in grade 10 and by the time they finish high school they are able to drive to get to work. 
As I was in a drive test location the other day  with a friend; I realized a majority of its clients are actually adult immigrants of darker skin tones. The system does not recognize their previous driving experience unless it is from a European country or from USA. So even though they might have been driving for decades, once they immigrate they  are considered to be at a skill level of a high school kid. They need to start all over again from zero.  Although I do not have statistics to back me ; one reason why there are so many immigrants at a drive test all the time  is because they  keep visiting the place  often as they fail both levels of road tests more than once . Reasons for it is something I will leave unsaid ! obviously it takes  a lot of time and energy to get a license , not to mention a lot of money. Money that an immigrant is really short of. Money that he can earn only if he can get a job. Job that he might get if he can convince his boss that he has the means to get to work on time. Which means driving  in this car based society. And that will need a license to drive . The same license  that he does not have !!! It is  a vicious circle. This is only one situation and an immigrant goes through many such obstacles trying to stay afloat.  Simple things like getting a credit card is a complete revelation in itself.  Some of it is because of a  different system and because it is a different country and  a different  culture. A lot of it is sheer prejudice against an immigrant. It is certainly very hard to be an immigrant. Yet  International Organization for Migration says that there are 200 million migrants in the world today . According to a  Gallup poll another 700 million would like to immigrate if they had a chance.  USA, Canada, Australia , New Zealand and Israel, are countries almost entirely made up of immigrants. Yet each new group faces same or more severe prejudices as the group that passed before them. Violence  against   Indian students in Australia is a glaring example. Here is a group of people who are paying into the Australian economy through their nose by paying hefty  tution fees . They rent  & they consume things by paying for it. This money is generating jobs for Australians .The students are simply gaining education and new skills. A lot of  the time these new skills are used to contribute to and work in the local economy. So they are a net gain to Australia.  Yet they are seen as enough of a threat that merits  them being murdered on the streets as a result of hate crimes!

Canada reportedly lets in the highest per capita number of immigrants every year. A significant number of them are highly educated , experienced and skilled professionals. Yet it does not surprise anyone to find out that the  immigrant cabbie who  is driving you into the city from the airport is in fact a  qualified doctor !

Historically speaking Roma who originally migrated to various parts of Europe from India many many centuries ago are still not considered europeans. In fact Nazi regime killed more Roma people than Jews as their " final solution". Considering that millions of jews were killed on record;  one can only imagine the catastrophe these immigrants have faced since records for them are very sketchy . Even today  these Roma are unwelcome everywhere. They live friendless on the fringes of society and are the first suspects in any murder or theft especially in eastern europe. "Gypsy" is still a word of dishonour.

 Story of  forced migration of the African people is too well known to recount here. Although over these centuries they have given up their original names; original beliefs  and conciously attempted to merge in  the society. People of colour are still far from equality. Obama is a just a window dressing.

The numbers of people who migrate from one country to another  is very high. Several times more numbers migrate from one part of the country to another. Internal migrants face the same barriers as external migrants although the emotional pain is more severe since they expect to be treated better in their own country. Sadly they are not.  Migrants who went to Pakistan from India over 60 years ago ,are still pejoratively referred as "mohajirs" and by all accounts are   untrusted second class citizens in their own country . A country they created themselves. At the time of Partition of India an estimated 12.5 million people migrated from one part to another. Even today just in India alone it is estimated that about 100 million people are internal migrants. Some of them are circular migrants  while others are more permanent. Migrants facing problems while renting homes , getting their children admitted to schools  and even facing open hostility is a common complaint in India. Mumbai , a most vibrant and forward looking city has  paradoxically a strong movement against migrants. They want Mumbai for the locals only. What is laughable is that Mumbai as it stands  today was made by Gujarati traders ,Parsi businessmen and workers from outside.A bulk of them from other parts of India. All of them were migrants to the city . Most of the north India uses the word "Bihari" for a migrant individual from  the state of bihar and eastern UP in India as an "insult" !! As if this was not shameful enough even Indian Home minister  has recently isolated migrants as a source of "crimes"!! Talk about prejudice and we all thought Enoch Powell was dead !

Even in a controlled and restricted society  like China there are an estimated  150 million internal immigrants . This figure is expected to rise to 200 million very soon. Although they live in a " worker's paradise". It is common for  migrant women workers to get fired if they become pregnant. Despite accounting for 40 percent of the urban labor force, China's migrant workers face major inequalities in the cities because of China's two-tiered hukou--or household registration--system. Established in the 1950s, the hukou system kept people tied to where they lived by making government services contingent on their occupation and place of residence. Migrants receive  next to nothing since they are not residents .

People have been migrating from one place to another  since mankind set foot on the earth. Sometime geograpical changes forced their march; sometimes political and social upheavals were the forces. At times it is just the need to earn a living that forces them. Overall I think  in today's world economic reasons are paramount .  I however  suspect there is some  kind of  suicidal in - built urge in a human being to explore , see and risk everything. Just so he can be what he can ! Otherwise  that  struggling cabbie who is a doctor would not be ferrying passangers from the airport. He would be taking the first flight home !

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Problem of Plenty !

In a world plagued by acute shortages of  almost everything one needs - access to education; employment opportunities;  affordable housing; health care; food; petrol........... even fresh air to breathe is a little  hard to come by ;it is surprising how there are things in ample abundance. I am faced with one such problem of excesses. Blogging supposes that you will have some subject to blog about.  However there are days when you have nothing to say .  Mind is bereft of ideas . Thanks to  Indian scamsters today  I have  too many subjects to rave and rant about . Trouble is that there are so many  of them I am unable to decide which ones to take up and which  ones to leave alone.

Bollywood is not  exactly famous for any  incisive foresight or  brilliant imagination. Usually they like to lift their  music , storyline and  some times even titles from others - remember 'hari puttar". However this time round  the name  of a movie produced in 1980 titled "Choron ki Baarrat ( Grand Parade of Thieves)" may have  predicted the future with pinpoint accuracy. It is  uncanny that  the movie was  actually made by "citizen" pictures.  It  providentially   summed up my idea in one shot so I  have to acknowledge that  as a source of inspiration . Although an earlier movie with the same title was made in the sixties.

It is really a grand parade of thieves that is looting  the people . Just get these numbers. Let's just say that there are 110 crore Indians. That's 1100000000. Just the 2 G  spectrum scam is believed to be  Rs.1.76 lakh crores. That is Rs. 17600000000000. If we divide this number by the total number of Indians; every single Indian alive has been  cheated  of Rs. 16000 -  just in this scam alone! Believe me that is the number-  do the math yourself and find out how much your family lost . An average family of five has  been defrauded of Rs. 80000.  This fraud has happened  during the watch of arguably the most honest prime minister ever. One shudders to think if this is the situation under the most honest what would happen if he is  in fact less than 'most honest'!!

 Thankfully  IPL 3 was organized well so you got a bang for your buck. Even then there was a  huge falling out of thieves. Otherwise you would never have come to know who is making millions by  investing only "sweat  equity'' and who is milking billions by owning teams by proxy. Actually you still do not know the real story as the commissioner has flown the coop .Other beneficiaries   of course have  closed ranks  and shut the lid tight on the deals.  Undesired ex captains have been fired from all committees . Some names are only whispered  with trepidation and abject fear of  swift reprisals. So "pawarful" are the hidden masters of this scam. 

CWG is another Pandora's box. Skeleton after skeleton is tumbling out of it. This scam is so  masterfully convoluted that  there is no possible number that can be put to it.  There are several agencies involved and monies have been  made to pass  through multiple layers of  many  government departments and sub contractors  of  their indirect contractors. It will be impossible to trace who spent what in which account. Business Today magazine estimated that the Games cost  Rs 300 billion. That is  Rs.300000000000.  This was your money. So each Indian  paid roughly Rs. 275 for this extravaganza.  Jog back your memory and you'll remember how the organizers made every Indian hang their head in shame by their bungling and atrocious mismanagement in  the run up to these games. You will remember that items that cost 1 rupee in the open market were purchased  by them for 3.   That means on an average  2/3 rd  of our money has been siphoned off. where did all  of our money go? who has it?  Some minions are being questioned  now because of  intense public pressure but the main actor of this fraud  has been  allowed to go abroad . Mind you this is not a typical season for traveling in Europe. Summer is long gone and skiing season is far away. In fact he is still abroad  at the time of writing. I strongly suspect he was allowed to go  away freely in order to facilitate  the  total obliteration of  the money trail  in   the labyrinths  of safe tax havens . He will be back  only when you can no longer prove any thing in any court of law ; provided your chosen  government has any interest in finding your lost money for you. Which I doubt. This  is  the same guy  who has plans to "organize Olympics" with your money next ! He will do it too!

Adarsh society where politicians and generals got together and hoodwinked martyr's families out of their  homes is just the tip of the iceberg. Many  other  adarsh societies are yet to come to light . What has come out  in the open  though is the housing finance scam. Initially estimated to be Rs1000 crores. It is still unfolding and you will soon know how many more zeroes you should be adding to it.  There is no end to these scams and this list  goes on and on. Mining scams in karnatka ; dubious  public land grants to family and friend of the people in power . Lands that are all very difficult to put a dollar figure on.  Everything is  drastically under valued in the  archaic land record books . In reality it is several times that valuation. But it is public property  all the same and hence it is  public money that is being looted here. Have no doubts.

There are other kind of scams . Scams that robbed people of their faith  in  the institutions and their trust in the system . Democracy works because state power  is balanced between  it's different organs; judiciary is independent and constitutional rules are followed. If all else fails there is  a free press which informs  truthfully , educates  evenly and takes up cudgels on behalf of the people. Unfortunately scamsters have taken over this last bastion too! Journalists are regularly placing  false stories in the media on behalf of their masters. Editorials are dictated by commission agents.  Interviews are rehearsed  and  answers stage managed to give out only a sanitized version of truth. TV studios are used to broker power sharing deals  and promote the brand image of their political masters. Lobbyists decide who can or can not become a  cabinet minister.  It is hard to decide who is a lobbyist , who is an advertising agent ; who is a journalist and who is pimping his profession. Lines have blurred between them.  Imagine if  a Maneka Gandhi decided to invest in a  KFC franchise!!!!! Nothing wrong in itself but how does it sound to you? And that's  exactly how   influential and powerful media stalwarts have behaved.  They have posed  to us as journalists but acted as brokers and commission agents. My apologies to both brokers and agents ; they are honest  people and comparing  them to these crass apology of a journalist is an  unintended insult to them. Paid news is called  a commercial; biased information is called advertising; using your reach and position to influence events and public opinions  is called lobbying ; being a go- between two parties to form an alliance that will be beneficial  to all three is called brokering.  It is not journalism .  Not by a long chalk. They should not take the public for idiots. I wonder if the advance commission for  that brokerage was in the shape of an undeserved civil honour?  Remember these awards are given in your name .  Do you agree with them? These scamsters want you to believe in their paid commercials as gospel truth. Thankfully this scam has come to surface by  sheer chance.  But check how these people  then ganged up to orchestrate a complete blackout  of this expose' in  both print and electronic media; just so they can  deny you the truth and continue to befool you. Although again it  is just the tip of the iceberg  but now that you  have heard the tapes  and read the transcripts ; what has become of your faith in  the media?

One thing all these crooked scamsters share is a very thick skin. Nothing fazes them.  They  still strut about  and are parading without fear. They are without  any remorse at their attempts in making a fool out of you and have  absolutely no intention of returning a  single red cent.  Just listen to their explanations and you'll be amazed  at what a low opinion they have of people's intellect. They have no respect for  you  because they know you have a short memory and elections are far away. They are  so successful because they have banded together and you are a lone voice they can smother  easily or you are  just keeping quite. They wield the  political power; they wield the power of their media and they wield the punishing stick and they have the money - your money! You only have your voice-  so scream;   your vote-  so vote , do not sit at home; your mind-  so think! What is it that you can do to take back what clearly belongs to you? Just remember the Bollywood movie "Choron ki Baarrat ( Grand Parade of Thieves)" that inspired this blog was made by "Citizens" and you  as citizens will also be complicit if you allow this real parade of thieves  to go unchallenged by your inaction. You then must become the rain that stops this parade in its tracks and have them running for cover.  Each  one  of us is just a drop  but there are 110 crore drops ;  together that'll become a downpour on this parade if you wish it. That was your money ; that was your future ; that was your faith ; that was your innocence ; and that was your hopes they robbed. The scamsters are mocking you . The scamsters are  still laughing at you ! You have to become that rain! You must!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

One big ass mistake!

Very soon after Obama got elected  president  of the USA, his republican rivals started calling it "One Big Ass Mistake America"!  A spoof  with racist overtones on  Obama's name and the fact that  donkey (ass) happens to be the democratic party's symbol . Few months into his presidency later a lot more  Americans have started agreeing with this and all of them are not republicans. As his recent electoral reverses show ; people are  just not convinced that his throwing billions at wall street has got  them anything in return. According to a survey 58% Americans are not sure if they can make their next mortgage payment. That is a very very scary  number indeed!  On top of that he is as lost in Afghanistan as he ever was. America has shovelled another  bunch  of billions  into  the bottomless pit that is " Rent-a-Army Pakistan ". All that money has disappeared  too with no  worthwhile results to show against the  Islamic terror machine.   In fact  a large part of these funds  routinely get routed to Pakistan's favourite terrorist groups .  Obama's Secretary of State Ms. Clinton is saying so but US is unable to do anything about it . It is that helpless! America is  forced to fund a war against itself.  Obama's election slogan "Yes we can " is sounding more like " No I can't".  

During the first great war it was considered unlucky for three soldiers to light their cigarettes with the same matchstick. Since battle ground wisdom dictated that when the first soldier lit  his smoke the  enemy saw it ; when the second soldier did  it the enemy aimed his rifle at the light and when the third did - boom; enemy fired at the light.

To be fair to him , Obama is the unlucky  third man on the light. He inherited  this economic/ political  time bomb that was planted during Bill Clinton's presidency and ignited during George Bush's.  Even If we  discount his over promises as an electoral necessity  and under performance as a reality check  ; the fact remains that he is dancing in a mine field and every  bumbling step he takes, some mine or the other blows in his face.  Here is one guy who  can use  a lot of help himself -  Now ! Do not think what Obama can do for you ; think what you can do for Obama!

 That is the reason I  find it strange that so many people in the Indian sub-continent are looking towards him to find solutions for their problems. It was very comical to see the separatist Kashmiri Muslim groups collect signatures in boxes to be presented to Obama ; asking for his intervention on their behalf. I was unable to find in the media what if anything came of this large  meaningless exercise.  Most likely He was probably bringing in a bigger signature campaign of his own from  the  teeming American unemployed asking for an intervention from Manmohan Singh on  their behalf!

Obama's official hosts; the government of India on the other hand had prepared a large wish list of their own. Starting with rollback on H1B visa fee hike to declaring Pakistan a terrorist state. It was  a long list with a lot  of other stuff in between. Except for some flowery prose about his support for India's UN Security Council bid , which will take a long time  to happen if at all ; I did not come across anything specific  that Obama might have conceded.  It is nothing short of hilarious that you are asking him to charge you less money when he is in an economic downturn and can use every cent and dime. Even more  stupid is India asking him  on  their behalf to deal with that very Pakistan   which is  smartly making an ass out  of America  day in and day out and getting paid for it  in the bargain!

Pakistan was not invited to these discussions ; so they decided to hold a discussion among their army and  their civil government. All to present a wish list  to Obama of their own. Starting with '  scale back India's role in Afghanistan'; to 'do not back India for UNSC'; and' tell them to give up kashmir'; and  'we also want a civil nuclear deal ........ It was arguably the biggest wish list amongst all. They continued a constant litany of their woes  throughout  Obama's visit to India but were hampered by the fact that  nobody was  paying any attention.

A witticism on the net goes like this,'' Neither God nor Obama can produce a birth certificate but  God does not think he is Obama'.  Jokes apart , Obama is not God ! not even close. The trouble with people is that we do not wish to take ownership of our own problems . We want a peg to hang our worries . That's the reason  why we are constantly searching for a messiah who will come and deliver us.  It is like  not even wanting to spend a dollar on buying lottomax and hoping to land the jackpot.  What are the chances? Also  since God is  fresh out of stock on messiah's   we   tend to deify  anyone we can . Even just barely better than ordinary people  are given the mantle and  then  we expect them to solve things  for us. Obviously these "chosen ones"  are not able to deliver instant nirvana. We the people are  even quicker to condemn them and go on to find another shoulder to cry upon. Obama  just happens to be  the current  "soup of the day".

Although  many people have commented on how Obama  has got some of his wishes during  his Visit to India and how he gave out stingily himself . They have commented on the respective benefits to  the participating countries and who won , who lost . They questioned the usefulness  of such jaunts or the lack of it . The best  commentary was by Jaswant singh. As a former Indian minister for external affairs his understanding of how these processes work is less than none.  I agree with his take   that  these trips should not be made "destinational" ; rather it should be " directional" . Essentially   manage your expectations;do not expect big results. As long as you are  deepening mutual understanding  and finding common ground , it is worth it.

Obama  is on a help finding mission for his own problems ; Just do not expect   him  to give you solutions to your problems.  Now that would be  one big ass mistake; "mother of all mistakes".

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Super Babe!

About 32 years ago Oldham town in The UK had the honour of entering the record books as the birthplace of world's first  test tube baby. Baby Louise brown was conceived in a glass dish, although she finally arrived in the world by Cesarean section like countless others and was declared to be a Super babe .She is now married and has children of her own. At no time has her life  been any different from anyone else that was conceived naturally.

Actually it is not necessary to be a test tube baby for becoming a test tube baby!  So let me explain! Technically speaking a test tube baby can have an unknown biological 'donor' father ; an unknown biological 'donor' mother and this baby can be carried to term in the womb of a "host" mother ; separate from the donor.  A different set of donor's can team  up for the next baby , who can then be carried by the same 'host' mother; who could  possibly be married to a third person -  entirely unrelated to any of the donor fathers. This will throw up an interesting situation in later life. We will have a 'mother' who is not a 'mother' in real sense and we will have  her  children who are actually someone else's  offspring.  We will have  a father who has fathered no one ; and we will have siblings who are essentially not related  to each other. Siblings who are strangers for all practical purposes ! Well to be absolutely correct  , since they share the same 'host'; one is as much related to the other as two  kids ; who happen to be born  in the same labour room in the same hospital - in different years ! It would not be inconceivable that all those   relations would be a little dysfunctional.

Now look all around you ! Do you see any 'test tube baby'? Every time I look in the mirror I  am able to see one. Physical distance; diverse perspectives on life; separate financial and personal interests are all ensuring that we  constantly keep morphing into a 'test tube baby'. At least in our family and personal life. Just see how many personal friends you continue to have for any length of time.? Has any loyalty lasted for twenty years? Ten ? Five? Two? Or has you drinking buddy changed because you changed jobs? How many 'girl friends / boy friends' have come and gone?  Think about What  has become of those promises of "undying love"? Why do you think   your parents , your children or your siblings will fare much different ?

Given a choice most children would want  more understanding parents; maybe richer parents ;definitely less strict parents who see things their way. Most parents however wish for more caring children; more successful children; more intelligent children and definitely more obedient ones. Although nobody is likely to get all  of their wishes fulfilled ; sometimes some wishes are realized. Families do become a little dysfunctional ; relations do become strained and painful at times.  Still a modicum of decency is maintained . It is very rare for these relations to become abusive. Arundhati Roy is one such  rare child .  She is successful; famous;  fairly rich; and if you trust the  decision making abilities of the Booker prize committee; she is intelligent  too! Although based on how she has conducted herself ; devious; cunning and self aggrandizing are the words that come to mind - not intelligence.

Probably it is the sign of the times we are living in that we are all becoming "test tube" children in varying  degrees.A little aloof; a little uncaring; a little self centered.  Unfortunately ms. roy  has turned into such a super  shameless test tube babe that she has only "pity" left for her motherland.  A "Motherland" she has already rejected since she is " a republic of one".  A motherland she is  either clueless about or feigns ignorance about .   Most likely she  is telling  premeditated lies  and half truths about   it to suit her own  self promotional ends.  Isn't it a wonder  that she does not know  who her mother  is or  What is the geographical , historical and political  origin and expanse of her mother ?  Only a"test tube baby" can  say such a thing with any plausibility ! Isn't it a wonder that She feels "proud' to lend credence and join  the forces  that wish to decapitate her mother.  She has no   qualms  with calling her  mother by inventively derogatory names  as long as she receives prominent notice . Maybe they will give her some other international prize since she is very unlikely to get another Booker for these non -literary  efforts. Or maybe she will bag one. "Bin Laden" prize - perhaps !!!  See for yourself  what kind of rabble rousing, " Secular Democrat"  is she is a cheerleader  for:-

 Her "Mother" ,has yet to become entirely a "host" mother. She is  making   some unhappy noises but still hoping for some semblance of filial duty from her child. Mostly she is wishing like countless other mothers for a more  caring child; who speaks in a softer tone. A child who may not be obedient enough for mother's liking but at least does not actively aid and abet her  mother's killers.  Only thing is that I am afraid this rancid 'one book wonder'  is no longer salvageable. She has travelled  too far down the road to becoming a complete "Test Tube Baby". To turn back now would be impossible for her! She is for  nobody and she does not care for anybody . She belongs to no one but her own self;  deluded that people care about her  putrefying half truths aimed at subverting the democracy she is masquerading as a champion of . They only really "pity" her ; except those that want to institutionalize her up or gift her a one  way ticket  to  Pakistan where she can practice her azadi speeches. "God of small things" has finally become "Devil of large matters".

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Gilani for President !

Commonwealth Games are finally over . I decided to hold my counsel while  the whole world and their uncle was castigating the games and writing off India and Indians in general. Now that these games have closed on a high note and even Fennel has expressed satisfaction at its conduct. It is time that a serious evaluation is done of this mega venture.  Luckily Indian athletes performed above expectations and brought back the glory and honour  frittered away by the organizers and managers of the show so there is something to be happy about. 

Firstly we need to learn to be honest with ourselves and realize that a lot of criticism thrown at us was well deserved.  Although part of the harsh reactions  originated because of western arrogance,  borderline racial prejudice and a definite  sense of fear  rising India is generating; we can not afford to hide behind these apologies. Fact remains that we screwed up badly  in the run up to the games and what is worse we did not even know it. I design exhibitions, which then have to be fabricated and constructed on the site. I have done this in several countries of the world;  some of them in India's  poor neighbourhood. Only  and only in India  trade workers are still working right till the very last second the site has to be opened to public. No body knows if the work will be completed or not and at times it is not .  This situation is created willfully because  by keeping everyone guessing and worrying till the last  moment people are greatful for whatever final result is achieved. No one wants to question the  quantity ,quality and actual  work done vis a vis work that was meant to be done.

Apart from endemic corruption a fair lot of it has to do with our attitude to work and professional ethics. During the final phase of an exhibition vinyl cut graphics and signs have to be put. Usually this is the very last work scheduled. All these years I have given explicit instructions on how this work should be done by the Graphics person. He has to  carry a waste bag with him when he peels the backing of these graphics and throw  this waste in this bag before applying the graphics on the exhibits. Alas the only time this is done  such way in India is if I am standing there on site and  resort  to intemperate language . Otherwise this waste is strewn all over the floor for a sweeper to clean up after.   As you can imagine just before the show has to open everyone is trying to  clean up  this mess in addition to other and mostly succeed in only  partially hiding the garbage under the carpet.  Sounds familiar; doesn't it? The logic given is that a Graphics person will not be seen carrying a garbage bag. It is beneath him. He does not for a moment think that just by carrying this polythene  bag with him he will enhance his professional output.  I know ; I have  tried to make this  small improvement for many years with only limited success. Our attitude is a big problem and I was not surprised to see pan stained wash basins and dog waste on beds . Pan chewing plumber who fitted the wash basin would not think for a second before spitting in the basin because someone else will clean up after him; not he himself.  He got away with it because  the Junior Engineer who supervised him was busy in his own version of "spitting in the basin''; and the  JE got away because his boss is doing the same. This "spitting "continued on a bigger and bigger scale as it moved upwards till it reached Kalmadi and beyond. They "spitted" big time We have to realize that this is actually a spit in our own collective face!

Because these kind of things happen all the time both in our personal and professional lives  we have developed an immunity to them. The world does not condone such shoddy work.  If we accept such standards  in others and  if we also keep these low standards ourselves; It is our mistake.  Do not expect any accolades. And just because we do not wish to be held accountable to a decent level of performance ourselves;  we  have continued to allow crooks and thieves to go Scot free  even when they have brazenly looted the common wealth. Everyone who has  booed and objected to Kalmadi and his cohorts looting or mismanaging the funds must not keep silent  now just because the games are over. Remember if you do not speak up his kind will find other games to loot your wealth ,honour, dignity ,and your rightful place in the world.

I would not be surprised if Kalmadi  now pats himself on the back and a pliant government  decorates him instead of auditing him. Maybe instead of landing in Tihar he will arrive at Rashtrapati bhawan as  India's next president.  Honestly India will be better off with Syed Ali shah gilani instead. At least you know he is a self declared Pakistani and an extremist; bent on opposing and harming India.  So you can deal with it.  People like Kalmadi have betrayed public trust , looted and cheated us ; all the while posing as great sons of the nation toiling day and night in public service. Those kind are difficult to handle once they are in power. You must keep the pressure on the government to order an honest audit.

Like Indian athletes who performed  brilliantly in spite of the shenanigans of the powers in questions; People of India have in them to win the gold at  the world stage - in all fields. It is up to us if we prefer to have a sincere enemy or a backstabbing friend! And for God's sake if we have to learn only one thing from these games let us learn not to " spit in the basin" - in whatever  job we are doing!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Loose your way in three easy steps !

Let us face it; I do not exactly have technophobia but I can not be considered a great lover of technology. Even then I have started using a GPS device and have become totally dependent on it to navigate . This was driven home today as I was coming out of the airport after picking up a guest. I must have driven dozens of times in the area but still I managed to loose my way. Simply because I was not carrying my GPS device that I had will fully left at home.  
There are several signs that lead you out of the airport and on to  the highway. Honestly it is quite difficult to take a wrong turn , but I have so gotten used to listening to that synthetic voice command from the GPS that seemingly I have forgotten how to read clear, big ,bold and precise signs that could have easily led me to the right path.

I also have a  superbly printed and deadly accurate city road map in my car that I did not even think of consulting. I virtually refused to believe it existed and when faced with a road that divided in two; I took the wrong one in an attempt to hit a short cut  home. Well the result was as expected.  We finally came out miles from home  and that too in the  opposite direction. Lost!

It felt like India in Kashmir !

Monday, August 9, 2010

Forty Nine Stones.

-Composition from "Aru's stone collection"

Every year millions throng the streets of Mina  in Saudi Arabia to perform a ritual - The stoning of  the Devil. In this case the Devil is in the shape of pillars which are also made up of stones. These faithful  throw at least 49 smaller stones during this mass event that includes all sections of the society- men;  women; teens everyone. The occasion of course is haj, a scared lifetime duty of Islam.

According to Islamic traditions , Abraham was ordered by Allah to sacrifice his son Ismael.  Abraham immediately prepared to cut Ismael's throat . Thrice the Satan tempted the boy to flee and Abraham to desist from slitting his own son's throat . But each time at the sites marked by those three pillars, the devil was answered back by stones. Satisfied with this display of faith and obedience Allah provided Abraham a ram for performing sacrifice .

This piece of mythology is critical in understanding Kashmir Valley's unrest. For reasons ranging from stupidity to being politically correct; commentators ,analysts and policy makers have ignored this . They have even tried to sweep it under the carpet. Is it any wonder that banner headlines declare that small children have got killed during these disturbances. Or women and children are a large part of this stoning mob. The reason anyone  is bewildered is because they fail to understand the psyche and motivation of these people. And of course because they do not remember the story of the 49 stones.

Kashmir's unrest stems from the fact that major centers of the separatist agitation lie in the valley . Demographically It is close to hundred percent Muslim by faith. Nearly all Hindu's have either been killed or hounded out by them since last two decades. Their properties are burnt down; their business , religious and cultural centers taken over or ran aground.  Every effort is made by both the general population and the entrenched partisan bureaucracy  that Hindu's  will not or can not return. As if that mattered! But that's another story. To cut a long story short Kashmir De facto is an Islamic enclave inside a democratic republic. Democracy  and Islam do not mix  very well.  It is not an anti Islamic propaganda since it has been proven again and again with various ethnic groups and in several geographical locations throughout the world . It would be unwise to forget this fact at any time much less now when radical Islam is the dominant faction that drives the world Islamic agenda.

India is an ancient and timeless civilization. Kashmir in the Indian consciousness and mythology is the abode of Lord Shiva. Kashmir valley itself took birth because of the efforts of Kashyap  Rishi.( That part of history and mythology finds no resonance with the stone throwers. In fact India is nothing but kufr for them. Kashmir is a typical example of the saying that "victors propaganda becomes the vanquished people's history." As these groups are in the thrall of Islam, their history , patterns of behavior and motivation is also Islamic in nature. They will identify with anything that has an Arabic connection. And if you find a parallel with the intifada of the Palestine ; you will be right.   So women will come out on the streets to throw stones at the "Kuffar". They will also send out little kids  in the streets even as disturbances are being precipitated by their fellow faithfuls. If these children are harmed  in the process ,maybe it is Allah's will or maybe Allah will send a ram instead!!!

I do not have a solution for Kashmir but whoever tries their hand would do well to remember those forty nine stones.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Leaking news!

Wiki leaks has admittedly an antiwar posture and it should not surprise anyone that it leaked those Afghan documents. So who is afraid of them? Most of what those documents say about inefficient conduct of war against Taliban by the Coalition forces has been evident for years. It is just that the documents provide a sort of proof that America can begin a war but it does not know how to end it.

To the credit of the Americans , they have managed to keep their cool despite the blowing away of the fig leaf that this report caused. Just a couple of denials and some hand wringing at  the irresponsible behaviour by the website that could endanger American lives and they  were back to the usual. Pakistani's have flipped a lid though. They would still like to maintain the charade that they are pristine ;specially their spy agency is above reproach. No one believes them yet ; and it would be comical if it was not so unnecessary. Pakistan is running with the hare and hunting with the hound. Russian intervention in Afghanistan did allow them to pursue their dreams of strategic depth against India. And they got addicted to the drug of low cost terrorist operations, ostensibly by "non- state actors"that proves very costly for their enemy- India. Everything that they are doing in Afghanistan is geared to save their country from the Indian threat . And if they are playing the field and making an ass of USA; kudos to them.

It would be all fine but there are many other dimensions to this picture. Firstly let me say that "The Indian Threat" to Pakistan is real and not a figment of their neurosis. Where they are making a serious mistake is not recognizing the nature of the threat. This threat is not a military threat that can get neutralized by  having a  nuclear device or six squadrons of f-16's to deliver it. Neither can this threat diminish by getting control of the Afghan hinterland for strategic depth or launching terrorist strikes in India. Pakistan has done all of it and yet today the "Indian Threat" is greatest than at any other time in history.  The fact is that the threat is included in the DNA of Pakistan itself. Their greatest threat is the Idea of Pakistan vs. The Idea of India. The fact is that Pakistan is  not a natural nation. Culturally , historically and mentally they are and always will be a part of India. To have a country at their disposal they need to continuously fight their own instincts and minds all the time. 

I know a lot of Pakistani's personally and I am amazed at how much knowledge they have about Indian shows and Bollywood movies and Lalu prasad yadav and what not. TV and Film are the only window they have available on their own roots .No matter how insipid and distorted these shows and movies are; Pakistani's consume it in copious quantities. No wonder to be seen as different from Indians they need to emphasize on their Islamic identity and overcompensate with their zealousness . Trouble is that  Islam does not constitute a  nation; otherwise OIC would not have 56 different countries. And over dependence on Islam has made them insensitive to religious extremists among them.

India's economic clout  is big and getting bigger. It can not be wished away .  Hillary Clinton will continue to say that Osama is hiding in Pakistan and Pakistan's  rulers know about it. David Cameron will say that Pakistan exports terror. Pakistan can not belittle them as a hair brained woman and an inexperienced leader of a third rate power looking for trading concessions in India. They have to realize that ISI's pet terrorists are  terrorists too and will lead them to destruction.  Indian threat is real but Pakistan's answer to it is unfathomably self destructive.

They are "The Indian Threat" themselves and sooner they realize it sooner they can find a better answer to this threat.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Well Done!

Politician Ram Vilas Paswan's son Chiraau is breaking into acting. Someone asked Paswan as to why  his son is going for acting and not for Politics. Paswan answered ," there is no difference.They are just performed on  different stages."  For once  I have to agree. Although  Politicians have proved terrible actors; actors on the other hand have  acquited themselves better as politicians. 

 Recently I saw two very forceful examples of politicians acting and actors making a political statement. Firstly some politician from India went to Pakistan and participated in a joint venture with a local politician in the show called "let us pretend talk". It was a farce that as expected turned into a tragedy. All actors in the play  willfully forgot their lines and finally said all kinds of things that were not in the original script. Show failed as a drama but  the actors did address their respective political constituencies by their grand standing and  their complete neglect of all  norms of civility and diplomacy.  In the end both the audience; actors and  the US show management company ; all nodded their heads , patted each other on the back and went home to prepare for another similar stage show for later sometime.  This  edition of the venture of course got thrown into a well. How I wish that well could vanish.

As if on cue a friend lent me  his copy of "Well Done Abba". The movie about about a vanishing  well .  vetern director Shyam Benegal has directed the movie and as is his won't made a lot of socio -political statements. Film is a director's medium but I must say that all actors in the movie starting with Boman Irani in a double role have been a force multiplier to Shayam Benegal's directorial effort. Very surprisingly even Minissha Lamba has done great justice to her role as a spunky  young woman.  This film is a satire primarily highlighting  corruption in implementing social  programs. The story  has been told in a refreshingly humourous tone and Shayam has avoided dark and heavy tear jerking treatment that mars such works.  In the movie eventually Lost wells are finally found back. A la bollywood style although in real life it is not easy to get such justice. Anyway It is really a movie of hope and comes with the message that we can achieve things and we can correct things if we decide.  Very good stuff! His other sub texts about  importance of Girls education; problem of sham marriage of young Indian girls to doddering Arabs; futility of of using your birth religion as your identity; are all very important statements that are made as a matter of fact.
Things that I did not like so much were a sub conscious attempt by Shayam to avoid showing Politicians in their correct avatar. He has made the officialdom the villain of the piece. In reality the politician is the fountainhead of corruption. Another jarring piece  is the engineer's  character. The fact that he is recently married  with his wife's charms  rather than his job on his mind got established in the first instance .Too many scenes of his conjugal bed were probably a little "peeping tomish".  

But hey I am not the director of the movie and there is something called commercial demands, so we'll let that slide. Even though there is a surfeit of political and social commentary ;Overall it is a movie that's well done! 

 Someone should tell the politicians that there is a difference between well done and burnt! At least they should watch this movie.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Buridan's Asses!

 Jean Buridan was a French priest who is most famous for his thought experiment named " Buridan"s ass". that goes something like this:

There was  a hungry donkey standing equidistant from two identical piles of hay. The donkey tried to decide which pile he should eat first and finding no reason to choose one over another, starved to death. This paradox didn't originate with Buridan -- it's  found back in Aristotle's time. A hungry and thirsty man cannot decide whether to drink first or eat first  and dies of both hunger and thirst. It is believed that  Buridan, in his commentaries on Aristotle, chose a dog, but his critics, in their parody of Buridan, turned it into an ass.

This paradox illustrates  a situation that demonstrates the impracticality of decision-making using pure reason, especially a situation involving two equal choices. It does not mean that reason has no role to play in decision making, just that reason alone is not enough ; you need feelings and emotions too. For that matter emotion alone is not enough either . In fact it can  sometimes be  fatal as we see in Kashmir where one death follows another. Since everyone is taking decisions based on pure emotions .And  negative ones at that.

 In the first place people of Kashmir valley have to decide which pile they'll eat from. They can not  choose a democratic government  first and than proceed to take every measure  to  undermine it by supporting one violent separatist demonstration after other.I am not sure whose benefit it  serves , certainly it is not the people's benefit. This is exactly what  ass's paradox is about. 

Government  on the other hand is another classic case of buridan's ass. They do not know if they want to use velvet gloves or the iron fist. Both look attractive . In their confusion they actually do nothing until a violent horde starts attacking public property . And than they start firing live bullets. Time and again we hear of the rubber bullets being used by the  security forces. Question is why are civilian fatalities so high then ? In a country where everything is spurious these rubber bullets are proving very potent indeed!!! More effective than the real  ones. Or is it someone else who is firing live ones on the crowd to keep people  confused, angry and agitated.

I guess it is time for the government to let people smell one of the pile. The pile of independence or self management . Let them see what "independence" is like . Stop funding infrastructure projects; stop rebuilding  destroyed public property. Move all troops to muzzafrabad LOC on one side and across Jawahar tunnel on the other . Let Kashmir police handle things in the valley. Suspend all financial subsidy. Let them spend what tax they collect and If they want to send their fruit  to Pakistan, let them. Let them eat what they grow and let them pay for what they import. Let Kashmir division manage  its economy ,and politics for next five years on its own.  It is the only way to save the ass. It must know which pile stinks.

Can it happen ? Unfortunately government is clueless, gutless and without any ideas. A bigger buridan's ass that will do nothing !

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Gathering Storm!

Our genetic makeup hides a large part of our fate. General belief is that the time and place of our birth will strongly impact what becomes of us in later life. "Kismet" is a word that is  understood worldwide . People of the Indian subcontinent are genetically disposed to getting hit by diabetes, hypertension and heart disease. That is " Kismet". Not everybody gets it though! Some don't and some make sure that  they take  active measures not to get struck. "Kismet "exists but its effects can be and are being proactively modified  by individuals every day.

Nations of the Indian subcontinent are similar though with one significant difference . They can  not help being born at the place and time they were born and hence  have to carry the burden of their " Kismet" with them. Unfortunately they have made feeble efforts to modify their fate that their genetic make up has handed them . They have  no prevention or a treatment in place and they are getting struck with one chronic disease after another. Which  sadly is hustling them to a terminal stage.

India is a glaring example; not only because it  is the mother ship of all other nations around it, but also the fact  that a  large part of the blame for setting bad precedents must lie at her door. Right at the birth of an independent nation , India meekly surrendered to the separatist "theory of Pakistan". What ever that did to Pakistan is a different story but that is the seed which later  became a million headed hydra. If Muslims are a separate nation, why not Sikhs; why not Baluchi's ; why not this and why not that. Partition was the early warning that there  is a demon lurking in the DNA. Nothing really was done.

Almost immediately  we had Kashmir asking for separation on the same principle we separated pakistan. It did not happen and that issue has become an uncurable cancer . Further down from kashmir. Himachal and Haryana wanted to go separate ways from Punjab on the basis of Pahari and hindi speaking areas . This was allowed but a natural side effect of this was that remaining Punjab went radical Punjabi ; eventually asking for "khalistan". There were other contributing factors too but similar story got repeated in west when Gujrat was carved from Bombay  and In south  Madras was divided. In the east; bengal got divided too! This disease has marched on and on and now people want Bodoland,  Gorkhaland, Telangana, Vidharbh........ It has already produced  Chattisgarh, Uttrakhand etc. There is no knowing how many other  new demands there could be by the time you finish reading this. Why is no one demanding "India"?

Another kind of inherited disease was poverty, illiteracy, imbalanced progress and even complete absence of it. So far the report card shows a D in these areas. A huge section of the population has no  access to decent education, health care and  misplaced priorities in Industrialization means that their means of livelihood are threatened as well. How can we ignore these telltale signs and still hope to remain healthy. How can we imagine that  people who have no stake in the nation and its progress will remain loyal.

We  keep harping on how Britishers   engaged in Divide and rule policy to keep us subjugated yet we continue to divide each other and then subdivide into smaller and smaller pockets; just to protect our hold on an ever diminishing power base.  Mayawati has no concern about someone in Manipur but she is keen to have a statue of "Dalit" mahapurush in Mainpuri.  Her own statue  prominent among them.All to protect her power base. Whether  it divides the society further is not her problem. What is a "dalit" mahapurush anyway ? Either one is a Mahapurush or  one is not.  bala Saheb wants only Marathi speaking people to live in Mumbai!  Where is this kind of Madness going to land us?

As if Islamic terrorism was not enough of a problem ;  India has  allowed another  symptom of  Maoist menace  to take on gargantuan proportions. Primarily by shutting its eyes to their anti national activities  since the  government is formed with the help of  Maoist sympathizers; both in center and in many states. Also the fact that the  red terror grows in the poorest regions and regions which have been untouched by progress could not have gone unnoticed by the policy makers. Why nothing was done to make people of such region feel that we are concerned about their welfare and they are included in  Shining India? No one has an answer. Now the only talk is whether the state should use Air force to bomb these Red terrorists!  All of them are our citizens.  Maoist leaders only want their cadre to keep confronting the society rather than find an amicable way forward . Anything that will protect their hold on their little piece of power.Amazing and Sad! How did we reach this place in 60 Years?

Similar stories in abound in Nepal where Maoist are creating a bigger havoc. There are other agitations and divisions too. Madeshi and non Madeshi divison is just one of them. Srilanka's Tamil and Sinhala divide is too well documented and has already taken a huge toll . So far nobody seems to have learnt much from it. Bangladesh has serious fault line centered around  both begums on one hand and Army on the other hand. In between Chakma and other smaller groups have continued to cry foul. Pakistan has already seen a major division  and from time to time voices are raised for  independent Sindhu Desh: Pakhtunistan; Baluchistan and even Mohajaristan. Pakistan army has already used heavy  artillary and air power against citizens. Even in the biggest province of Punjab a serious effort is afoot to carve out a Saraiki  province. Divide, separate and hold onto your little piece is the mantra.

All these divisions  serve only one purpose : keep people divided so that power and resources can be exploited for the benefit  of a chosen few. What one must realize that working together works. One and one makes eleven. If we continue to work against each other we will finally wipe each other out sooner than you think. If we do not share we'll have nothing left to share. Storm is gathering at  our shores . What preparations are we making?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Snake in the grass!

"Snake in the Grass"  c., 2010 by Arundhati kaul

Nirupama Pathak went home from Delhi to Jharkhand. 'Home'; one place you go to find solace ,shelter,peace, support and help. One place you'ld expect to find  understanding, trust, faith , love and affection. She found a "snake in the grass"  instead; her mother! Difficult as it is to believe that your own mother , who actually brought  you to life ;can smother you and snuff  out your life . It has happened before  and might have happened in this case too, although it is yet to be proven. In this case if we look at the issue from her mother's perspective; although it does not justify murder but her mother would have gone through life's ups and downs. She might have borne various difficulties in bringing up her children. She might have endured a lot of  adverse social commentary for letting her daughter be on her own in  big bad Delhi. She however did not expect her own daughter to bring unwelcome social barbs that her unwed motherhood would rain on her. Mother did not expect her own daughter to be that ' snake in the grass'. At the time of writng there seems to another "snake" in Nirupma's life. Her boyfriend. Some one who reportedly got her in the familyway and than let her face the music alone.

Madhuri Gupta  had a decent life by any standard you choose. In a country that has  millions who go homeless and hungry ; millions who have no access to education ;educated who have no hopes of finding a job and workers  who do not know if they will get paid next month. She had a home , she had received free decent education and she had a secure pensionable federal job in foreign affairs. She had got promoted to elite IFS  cadre and she did not even have to write that very  very tough competition. Wonder of wonders she was  posted abroad representing her country. Even if you discount the pride that being your country's representative brings and think  purely in terms of the dollar value. It is still substantial. She should be the last person you'ld imagine who is ungrateful. No such luck. She choose to be the "Snake in The grass".

A company of CRPF  men went in search of Maoist terrorists in Dantewada Jungle recently. Irrespective of their professional mistakes they did not expect to find "Snakes". Their own fellow security men who had sold  government arms and ammunition to these terrorist. Of course the Snake ate them all.

IPL was India's pride and Joy till about a month ago.  Lalit modi was the pristine master who could do no wrong. Everybody was raking it in. From BCCI to governing body everyone was scratching each other's back. Suddenly a "falling out of thieves" happened over the sweat equity for Sunanda . A paltry sum compared to billions that are at stake. Some one got greedy or someone wanted a cut of the pie ; we do not know. However  Now everyone is pointing fingers at everyone else. Of course Lalit Modi will be finally declared the " Snake in the Grass" . Depending on your point of view ; for daring  or being stupid to challenge the government elements. If you ask me this is a case of "Snakes" in the grass.

If you realize , it is not always others; at times we become our own snake in the grass. Every time we make a decision that is based  on selfish motives we  either become that snake itself or allow that snake to come closer and bite . Most times it does!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

God's Eye View

"God's Eye View", c., 2010 by Ashutosh kaul

Squadron Leader Rakesh Sharma( later Wing commander); first Indian in Space spent eight days abroad Salyut 7 space station many many years ago .Actually he was launched from Baikanour on 2nd April 1984 , aboard Soyuz T-11. In a famous conversation that was televised live and  is seared on countless minds; he was asked by the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi how India looked from the space and he replied, Saare Jahan Se Achcha, ("better than the entire world", The opening lines of a famous Indian patriotic Anthem by Muhammad Iqbal).

Imagine if he was sent back today what  possible answer can he give??? Could he say the same thing again? Luckily  he need not answer it ,since he is  happily retired now and will be spared the dilemma. So who can answer this question for us ?

A couple of years before that space odyssey ;Muhammad Rafi sang "Khuda bhi aasmaan se jab zameen par dekhta hoga...." (when God gazes on this earth...). God! that's who can answer this for us. God sees it all; doesn't  he? So what does God see?  Suppose we ask?

I tried and God sent some images. It was not of a green verdant landscape with a cascading waterfall. It was not of well fed, happy ,content and serene faces of people. It was not a little boat lazing in a calm sea. Neither was it of  laughing ,shouting and playing children. God did not see butterflies floating in air either or that riot of colours that spring brings to the garden. Missed the sweetly singing bird too. 

Instead those images were  confused and a little out of focus. There was no India . In fact there was no country anywhere ,just endless agitation as far as you could see. Images  were one on top of the other. They  were hiding each other and peeping out at places. All very confusing but one could make out flashes of  sharp light;  billowing grey smoke, congealing red blood on the roads making an ever spreading dark mass. Blue black and pink lacerations on earth and on  flesh. Loud noises  ;so loud that you can not hear them .You could only  see and smell and feel its ominous presence. And there were voices;many many threatening voices ; speaking  angrily in an unintelligible language that did not sound human at all. God was also about to say something but then there was another big bang and I  woke up. Sorry I did not catch it or I would not hesitate to tell you .

All I know is that the God's Eye View is not the same as our view.