Sunday, October 31, 2010

Super Babe!

About 32 years ago Oldham town in The UK had the honour of entering the record books as the birthplace of world's first  test tube baby. Baby Louise brown was conceived in a glass dish, although she finally arrived in the world by Cesarean section like countless others and was declared to be a Super babe .She is now married and has children of her own. At no time has her life  been any different from anyone else that was conceived naturally.

Actually it is not necessary to be a test tube baby for becoming a test tube baby!  So let me explain! Technically speaking a test tube baby can have an unknown biological 'donor' father ; an unknown biological 'donor' mother and this baby can be carried to term in the womb of a "host" mother ; separate from the donor.  A different set of donor's can team  up for the next baby , who can then be carried by the same 'host' mother; who could  possibly be married to a third person -  entirely unrelated to any of the donor fathers. This will throw up an interesting situation in later life. We will have a 'mother' who is not a 'mother' in real sense and we will have  her  children who are actually someone else's  offspring.  We will have  a father who has fathered no one ; and we will have siblings who are essentially not related  to each other. Siblings who are strangers for all practical purposes ! Well to be absolutely correct  , since they share the same 'host'; one is as much related to the other as two  kids ; who happen to be born  in the same labour room in the same hospital - in different years ! It would not be inconceivable that all those   relations would be a little dysfunctional.

Now look all around you ! Do you see any 'test tube baby'? Every time I look in the mirror I  am able to see one. Physical distance; diverse perspectives on life; separate financial and personal interests are all ensuring that we  constantly keep morphing into a 'test tube baby'. At least in our family and personal life. Just see how many personal friends you continue to have for any length of time.? Has any loyalty lasted for twenty years? Ten ? Five? Two? Or has you drinking buddy changed because you changed jobs? How many 'girl friends / boy friends' have come and gone?  Think about What  has become of those promises of "undying love"? Why do you think   your parents , your children or your siblings will fare much different ?

Given a choice most children would want  more understanding parents; maybe richer parents ;definitely less strict parents who see things their way. Most parents however wish for more caring children; more successful children; more intelligent children and definitely more obedient ones. Although nobody is likely to get all  of their wishes fulfilled ; sometimes some wishes are realized. Families do become a little dysfunctional ; relations do become strained and painful at times.  Still a modicum of decency is maintained . It is very rare for these relations to become abusive. Arundhati Roy is one such  rare child .  She is successful; famous;  fairly rich; and if you trust the  decision making abilities of the Booker prize committee; she is intelligent  too! Although based on how she has conducted herself ; devious; cunning and self aggrandizing are the words that come to mind - not intelligence.

Probably it is the sign of the times we are living in that we are all becoming "test tube" children in varying  degrees.A little aloof; a little uncaring; a little self centered.  Unfortunately ms. roy  has turned into such a super  shameless test tube babe that she has only "pity" left for her motherland.  A "Motherland" she has already rejected since she is " a republic of one".  A motherland she is  either clueless about or feigns ignorance about .   Most likely she  is telling  premeditated lies  and half truths about   it to suit her own  self promotional ends.  Isn't it a wonder  that she does not know  who her mother  is or  What is the geographical , historical and political  origin and expanse of her mother ?  Only a"test tube baby" can  say such a thing with any plausibility ! Isn't it a wonder that She feels "proud' to lend credence and join  the forces  that wish to decapitate her mother.  She has no   qualms  with calling her  mother by inventively derogatory names  as long as she receives prominent notice . Maybe they will give her some other international prize since she is very unlikely to get another Booker for these non -literary  efforts. Or maybe she will bag one. "Bin Laden" prize - perhaps !!!  See for yourself  what kind of rabble rousing, " Secular Democrat"  is she is a cheerleader  for:-

 Her "Mother" ,has yet to become entirely a "host" mother. She is  making   some unhappy noises but still hoping for some semblance of filial duty from her child. Mostly she is wishing like countless other mothers for a more  caring child; who speaks in a softer tone. A child who may not be obedient enough for mother's liking but at least does not actively aid and abet her  mother's killers.  Only thing is that I am afraid this rancid 'one book wonder'  is no longer salvageable. She has travelled  too far down the road to becoming a complete "Test Tube Baby". To turn back now would be impossible for her! She is for  nobody and she does not care for anybody . She belongs to no one but her own self;  deluded that people care about her  putrefying half truths aimed at subverting the democracy she is masquerading as a champion of . They only really "pity" her ; except those that want to institutionalize her up or gift her a one  way ticket  to  Pakistan where she can practice her azadi speeches. "God of small things" has finally become "Devil of large matters".


  1. Vow, This picture is looking some thing different over here. Whoes picture is this or just painted by imagination.
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  2. Picture is supposed to depict Arundhati Roy. All of the credit in drawing this picture belongs to a software called "corel draw".


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