Saturday, March 13, 2010

Self- Portrait ;anyone?

 Self- Portrait c., 2009 by Arundhati kaul

Throughout history artists have painted portraits.and writers have written stories and epics. Some of the most successful creative endeavors are portraits . Mona Lisa ; arguably the most discussed work of art is a portrait. Some research says it a self - portrait. Now that is a very interesting idea. Leonardo Da Vinci  looks like a virile bearded wise man in his other portraits yet if Mona Lisa is his self portrait what was he trying to say ?
Creative  individuals paint themselves and  write auto biographies for a specific reason. Some cynics suggest in jest that they are saving the cost of  hiring a model. That maybe true considering the fact that barring a few notable exceptions, artists are almost never flush with funds. My belief however is that it is more a journey into self. A way to understand and know oneself. It is a very complex process and every self portrait is an attempt in that direction.  Amrita Pritam writes "Rasidi Ticket" and bares her soul and inner secrets mostly to know herself. Van Gogh cuts his own ear and the reason we will remember that event is because he himself tried to understand his own impulses by painting a self portrait with a bandaged ear. Probably they got the insight they were looking for  but for the rest  of us  it is important to know that an attempt was made.
One does not have  to be a painter or a writer to attempt self- portraits. No matter what one does it is a good idea to take a moment to reflect on one self. It is too easy to evaluate others , find their weak spots and criticize them. Our media is full of such portraits. Our newsmen - the all knowing virtual Gods can take everyone to task  with a clever turn of phrase .  Their audience however is certain that these pro's are in the pay of CIA or agents of the  leftist jokers or a cloaked Taliban; or a neo- nazi fascist sympathizer.  Our doctors know exactly what their patients are not doing for their health; patients have only loathing for their  Shylock care givers. Accounts assistant knows how the the V.P. finance is skimming off the top; V.P. is clear his assistant is a complete idiot.  We are all very good at portrait making and all these are very accurate portraits of each other .  However the reason  they do not go on to become great jobs is because no one is pausing to do a self- portrait. Portrait painting trait is not only found in individuals, it is common in institutions, businesses and even nations . They  only believe in portraits; never  in a self portrait . They will   not think it wise to paint themselves as a woman with an enigmatic smile, or a half crazed man bent on cutting one's own ear. It is such a pity, because the world would become a better place if we all can follow  something even a child knows.
You may or may not adhere to Mahatma Gandhi's entire philosophy but if you have to take one thing from him take his "experiments with truth". It is an attempt by a great man to paint a self - portrait.  Try painting one  for your self.

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